central heating insulation

Are you tired of feeling cold in your home? Do you dread turning up the thermostat, worried about the cost of heating bills? If you’re a homeowner or tenant with a property that lacks central heating, Manchester Energy Grant brings good news: you may be eligible for a first-time central heating grant.
This blog will provide information on central heating grants and everything you need to know before applying.

What is Central Heating System?

It is a system that transfers heat from a central heating source or location to each room in your home or a part of your home.  Central heating provides warmth to various building spaces and can heat hot water from the primary heat source. It is a part of HVAC systems that can heat and cool interior environments. A building’s (or a portion of a building’s) interior can be heated from one location to many other areas by central heating.

Why does a Government give Free Central Heating Grant?

Free Government Grants For Central Heating is the Energy Company Obligation program. The purpose of this program is to provide funding for new heating systems to people who are considered to be in fuel poverty so that they can have a new gas central heating system installed. Typically, the program covers the central heating installation cost.
If your home is currently heated by a method other than central gas heating, you may qualify for this program. The grants provided for full central heating are not required to be repaid and will not become a debt.

Who Qualifies for Free Central Gas Heating?

To be eligible for the grant, you need to fulfill the following criteria:
1 Your home must already have a gas supply.
2 You must either own your home or be a private renter.
3 You must either receive a qualifying benefit or have a low income.
4 Your home should not have any existing heating system installed.

Why Apply for a Grant from MEG?

1. You can trust us – there are no hidden fees or conditions.
2. You won’t have to pay anything for the grant if your application is approved.
3. Using this scheme, you can save up to £300 a year on your energy bills.
4. You can increase the value of your home by participating in the scheme.
5. The scheme has a limited amount of funding available.


Can I apply for the first-time central heating scheme?

If your home has previously had central heating, you cannot qualify for the central heating system. However, you may still be eligible for a boiler grant that can assist you in managing your gas and electricity bills. We will provide instructions on how to apply if you qualify. You can check your eligibility here.

Will I receive central heating radiators in UK ?

Yes, radiators are provided as part of the first-time central heating grant, and the service includes fitting, installation, and warranties. This funding is provided through a government initiative called the Energy Company Obligation (ECO).

Could I be eligible for a grant for first-time central heating if I don’t claim benefits?

You can still receive a central heating grant from us even if you don’t claim benefits. Generally, if your household income is less than £25,000 per year and your property has an EPC Rating of E, F, or G, then it is likely that you will qualify for a grant.

Can I receive a grant for first-time central heating if mains gas central heating is not an option in my area?

Yes, receiving a grant for first-time central heating is still possible, even if mains gas central heating is not an option in your area. The grant can cover the cost of alternative heating technologies, such as calor gas central heating. Additionally, there are many funding opportunities for insulation in off-gas properties, and these are usually fully funded, meaning there will be no cost to you. You can enjoy free upgrades that save you a lot of money on your energy bills.

What if my property has a gas supply but no gas meter?

No worries, You can request a gas meter from our chosen energy supplier, and in most cases, it will be free for new connections. However, some energy companies may charge for meters. We can assist you with installing a gas meter for your property, and we’ll provide you with the latest information. Contact us for more details.


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